Senate Dems Hold All-Night Floor Session to Protest DeVos
Democrats stayed up all night giving floor speeches in opposition to DeVos.
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Democrats stayed up all night giving floor speeches in opposition to DeVos.
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The Senate will vote today on whether to confirm Betsy DeVos.
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Facebook is taking a legal challenge to search warrants for user accounts to New York’s highest court
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Pakistani police officer says police have foiled a Taliban suicide car bombing in the northwestern city of Bannu
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The president made the claim during a speech to troops in Florida.
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President Donald Trump is accusing the media of deliberately minimizing coverage of threat posed by the Islamic State group, saying news outlets “have their reasons” for not reporting what he … Continued
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Employee security protocols leave us vulnerable, according to a report.
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The Ninth Circuit motions panel has not made a decision on the court’s sta
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CDC has new guidelines for flu, hepatitis and meningitis vaccines for adults.
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A court hearing is scheduled for early next week.
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